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"Love Connections" Newsletter


Client:  The Alexander House, a marriage ministry

Project:  Writing, editing, producing quarterly newsletter 



Founded by married couple Greg and Julie Alexander, The Alexander House Apostolate (TAHA) is an international Catholic apostolate proclaiming the beauty, goodness and truth of God’s design for marriage. Its mission is to preserve the marriage covenant, build strong families and lower the divorce rate by helping individuals to discover the beauty and grandeur of the vocation to love and the service of life through marriage, family, church and community.



Bastian notched up the professionalism of TAHA's recently launched marriage-focused newsletter (renamed “Love Connections” by Bastian) by bringing the project in-house, and taking over as editor and main writer. By adding more in-depth stories, plus personal testimonies and backgrounders, this 12-page issue set a new tone for the organization and helped it better explain its history, services, mission and goals. The newsletter also presented TAHA in a more professional light, and greatly helped with its fundraising and efforts to sell its programs.



Writing, editing, interviewing, research, newsletter production with designer.

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