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Global APEX Award of Excellence (marketing/PR writing) from Communications Concepts for “San Antonio 2011 Relocation Guide,” a 110-page publication produced by Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce. 2012 ​
Global Gold Hermes Creative Award (writing/publications) for “One Less ‘Yes’ for Gardasil” investigative story, Celebrate Life national magazine (American Life League). Story was one of the first in world to sound the alarm about the under-reported deaths/disabilities caused by the Gardasil HPV vaccine, now involved with lawsuits. 2011
Global IABC Gold Quill Award won by Lisa and other IABC/San Antonio board members for “IABC San Antonio Reaches for the Stars” 2003 awards banquet marketing/execution. 2003
Global APEX Award of Excellence (interviews/profiles) from Communications Concepts for “Tom Cusick: Boerne’s Famous Cowboy Entrepreneur,” Country Lifestyle (regional TX magazine). 2007
Global Golden Globe Web Award for original Bastian Public Relations website (www.BastianPR.com) from International Association of Webmasters and Designers. 2003-2004
Marcom Award, Platinum/First Place (website redesign) for previous www.Bastianpr.com website (all work done by Lisa). 2014
Lisa is profiled online as a "Webgrrl of the Week" by Webgrrls International, a global 3,000-member community of professional women who leverage the Internet/technology become more successful in their careers. Her two roles as Travel Editor creating online weekly stories for consumer feedback website Planetfeedback.com ~ and Contributing Writer for HR tech website ecruiter.com ~ triggered this international honor. In late 1990s/early 2000s, Lisa was part of first wave of communicators adopting the exciting new world of writing for the Web.
AFWork International Award from AllFreelanceWork.com. The agency’s original www.BastianPR.com website was deemed an “amazing” creative work by global panel of judges. 2003
​NOTE: "IABC" is the acronym for International Association of Business Communications, the global educational/networking organization of 15,000 professional communicators.