(210) 683-1947
BastianPR is identified four times as one of the "Best PR firms in San Antonio" by Expertise.com, which scores 75 to 80 regional PR organizations by more than 25 variables across five categories. 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
BastianPR is named two times as one of the “Largest Public Relations Firms in San Antonio” by the San Antonio Business Journal. 2010, 2011
Bastian Public Relations website (original version) is named one of three “Best Dressed PR Sites of 2002″ (Independent PR Consultant category) by “Corner Bar PR: The Sassy Source for PR Pros,” one of the best (and entertaining) communications resource site on the Internet at the time.
BastianPR owner Lisa Bastian is officially recognized as qualifying for membership in American MENSA, the high I.Q. society; joins group. 1998
Lisa passed national test and is awarded the Certified Business Communicator (CBC) professional designation by the Business/Professional Advertising Association (B/PAA).
Honors: By staff vote, Lisa was recognzed as writing the "Best Editorial" (1982, 1985), "Best Article" (1983) and "Best Regular Column" (1982) according to annual vote of nationally award-winning fellow staff members of St. Anthony Messenger. This 420.000-circulation, monthly Christian magazine at the time was one of largest and most respected publications of its kind in the world.